It is a common misconception that DIY music productions are necessarily realized without a budget. In fact, their most striking characteristic is that they aim to create unique listening experiences by using the means at hand. 36 minutes with works by Blancmange, Gregory Whitehead, Minus Delta T, People Like Us and others.
Tellus – New York City’s Art Scene on Tape (1983-90)
- Tagged as: Alexis Alrich, Blackhouse, Carol Parkinson, Claudia Gould, David Blair, George Brecht, George Elliot, George Maciunas, Glenn Branca, Gretchen Bender, James Tenney, Jamie Daglish, Jane Bauman, John Fekner, Jonathan Borofsky, Joseph Nechvatal, Kathryn High, Liquid Liquid, Live Skull, Marjorie van Halteren, Paul Bowles, Peter Chamberlain, Rais Mahamad Ben Mohammed and Ensemble, Steve Pollack, Wolfgang Staehle
Spreading Freedom the Rough Way – War (1955-2005)
- Tagged as: Ami Shavit, Apocalypse Now, Biafra/Nigerian Civil War, Deben Bhattacharya, Dost Muhammad, Gulf War, James Whitehead, K Foundation, Nuclear War, Ruth Maleczech, Sun Ra, The Android Sisters, The KLF, The Psychic Workshop, The Red Army Choir, The Tape-beatles, Valaria Wasilewski, William Onyeabor, Yom Kippur War
“The ecological catastrophe begins rehearsing in the Sixties”, writes Allen Ginsberg in 1970; and for more than half a century, political systems are unwilling to fight that development. 45 minutes with sounds of protest – uttered by Appleblim, Diane Di Prima, Leslie Winer, Piero Umiliani and others.
Sekt oder Karies – West Germany in the 80s
- Tagged as: Alexander Hacke, Andreas Dorau, Claudia Skoda, Conrad Schnitzler, DAF, Der Plan, Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft, Die Dominas, Die Tödliche Doris, Die Zimmermänner, Einstürzende Neubauten, Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle, Holger Hiller, Ingrid Wiener, Manuel Göttsching, Martin Kippenberger, Max Müller, Rosi Müller, Santrra, Säurekeller, Sentimentale Jugend, Sternhagel, Xao Seffcheque
Big Egos – Sound Works by Visual Artists (1981-2006)
- Tagged as: Carole Caroompas, Dan Lander, Dieter Roth, Fred Curchack, Gregory Whitehead, IXNA, Janice Felger, Jess Holzworth, Jill Kroesen, Joan Hugo, Jutta Koether, Kim Rosenfield, Lawrence Weiner, Magazzini Criminali, Marina La Palma, Peter Rose, Richard Prince, Rüdiger Carl, Shrigley Forced To Speak With Others, Willie Cole