Relics – Miniatures on Air (1953-2019)
- Tagged as: Alec Finlay, Allen Ginsberg, Alva Noto, Andy Warhol, Anne James Chaton, Anne Waldman, Brian Hodgson, Cardboard Air Band, Chris Watson, Daphne Oram, David Soldier, Dragibus, Helga Goetze, Ingrid Wiener & Chor, Jack Smith, Jürgen Ploog, Karen Michel McPherson, Katsuro Tajima, Ken Nordine, Kraftwerk, Laurie Anderson, Laurie Spiegel, Lou Giansante, Magazzini Criminali Music, Maria Jardardottir, Mark E. Smith, Max Brand, Moondog, Paul de Vree, Paul Vangelisti, Peder Mannerfelt, People Like Us, Richard Lair, Soliman Gamil, The Fugs, Timothy Leary, Yasuaki Shimizu, Zigaretten rauchen
Relics tell stories, take listeners on acoustic journeys, or document situations. They can be poems, studio productions, field recordings, or something completely different. 53-minute mix representing Paul Paulun's series Fundstück on DLF-Kultur with radiophonic miniatures by Anne Waldman, Helga Goetze, Mark E. Smith, Timothy Leary and 26 other artists.
The stoic, almost machine like drumming of many West-German tunes from the early Seventies became the hallmark of a new sound – different from British pop or American rock, and in no way related to the country's horrible Nazi past. 45 minutes with Cluster, Faust, Harmonia 76, Wolfgang Riechmann and others.