Avantgarde Intensity 8 Letters & Numbers – Ingredients for Sound Art (1917-2006) Tagged as: bpNichol, Brion Gysin, Christof Migone, Demetrio Stratos, Dieter Roth Orchester, Elaine Mills, Halim El-Dabh, Henri Chopin, Khan, Klaus Groh, Lawrence Weiner, Neil Mills, Nelson Morpurgo, Peter Downsbrough, Vasiliy Kamensky, Vittore Baroni https://soundscentral.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Lettersnumbers-trailer_.mp3 Letters and numbers as material for expression. 40 minutes with inventions by Brion Gysin, Demetrio Stratos, Henri Chopin, Lawrence Weiner and others.